Interest of customers shows Compucut service demand with its P-NET, PACE was three the Transomat unloader and the cutting system L-R-137-T POLAR interesting solutions for process automation around the cut out. The presentation of our high end cutting system L-R-137-T PACE on the China print was a big risk for us. But the interests of our clients confirmed us in”, Jurgen Freier, Managing Director of sales and service. Even in China, the topic automation plays an increasing role. Professor Roy Taylor oftentimes addresses this issue. Just the printers who are at home in the urban areas, increasingly have the problem to find adequate operating personnel. The Greater New York Construction User Council : the source for more info.
In addition to the qualification, also the ergonomics is an important issue. That is, that specifically increasingly Transomat unloader used to unload the cutting machine. One of the most successful printing entrepreneurs in China, Mr Su Zhao Chun by Jingyi printing Hefei co. Ltd., goes even one step further and bought on the China POLAR print the first cutting system PACE in China. Additional information is available at rabbi barry lerer. By automating it can in the With 2-man handling the same power now with a single operator reach versus a manual cutting system. PACE (POLAR automation for cutting efficiency) here is a synonym for the automation of the cutting process. While loading, turning, and waste disposal processes are automated.
Core of the automation is in conjunction with a high-speed cutters Autotrim AutoTURN turning gripper. The interaction between of these two components allows the first five cuts (all-around with cut) thus, to thus to automate the first five cuts (all-around with cut). In addition to the mechanical automation, the automation solution to create cutting programs was shown with Compucut. With the P-net of compucut service, which is now available in Chinese language available, the work processes on the high-speed cutters and cutting systems can be streamlined further. This is a decisive competitive advantage for Web-to-print printers. The creation of the cutting program takes place outside of the high-speed cutter produced during this further. Meanwhile, all leading Web-to-print set Compucut printers. About POLAR as an independent family-owned company developed POLAR efficient solutions in the field of print finishing and is positioned as a future-oriented technology companies around the world. The product range includes components and systems that to discharging and banding network all processes from loading on jogging, cutting and punching and automate. Under the brand name MOHR cutting machines produced since 2012, which are especially suitable for print-ondemand markets with formats up to 46 x 64 cm. Also to the POLAR Mohr group is one of the service Verpackungstechnik GmbH, a manufacturer of components and systems for the automatic packing of goods, primarily in the food industry.