Browsing the archives for the News category

10 Percent Higher Wages – Even Without Unions

Alternative to possible wage boost rounds same net improvement, no fees, no administrative burden for employers with the optimization of the fee can be achieved for the same employee an identical improvement of net income, without costs for the employers in tax-free, sozialversiche free or tax-optimised content tools. An additional savings for the employers that […]

Stair Lift Suppliers

Best stair lift service in Thuringia by lips stair lifts because we have found a matching stair lift supplier on the Internet and are very satisfied, would we like our experiences with the firm lips Stairlifts to inform you. You may find that Cardiologist can contribute to your knowledge. My grandparents live in a condo […]

The Beautiful Face Of The Hip Hop

Hip hop lifestyle – music and modelling as the modeling agency hip hop models Berlin in November Wera Iwanischin participation to the Bravo hip hop babe election 2008 discovered no one knew at that time that this 2007 was Playboy Playmate of the year to. Hip hop models Berlin supported Wera at the Bravo action […]

Foreign Languages In The Modern World

Each language – the basis of an infinitely rich culture, one of the main values of the people. Word – this is the first that he heard a child is born, something that will accompany him throughout his life. Native language, of course, the only one. Most beautiful and sweet heart, the most expensive. Follow […]

Gearing Up For The New Year: With Winter Tires Safely Through The Cold Season

Winter tires are also now particularly relevant to safety in the next few days of the new year should it remain frosty cold, some snow up in the lowlands. As soon as roads with mud, snow, frost or ice covered, ensure sufficient safety only winter tires with their soft, but sharp-edged profile slats. The so-called […]


Reflections of companion FIDEL: if I were Venezuelan tomorrow is an important day for Venezuela. Elections are announced to choose 165 members of Parliament, and a historic battle being waged around the important event. But at the same time, the news about the weather are unfavourable. Heavy rains are lashing to the land that was […]

Negative Idea

If we started working on a goal it is common to have a reference point, i.e. observing a model to which we aspire to reach, for the conscious mind there are many limitations and here is where you begin to arise a lot of obstacles and the achievement seem a way too long and sometimes […]

Green Clubbing:

In the framework of the environmental Festival takes place on 5 June in Germany first Club Carrotmob / clubs employ 40 percent of revenues for climate protection / prelude to Germany-wide Green Clubbing on Saturday, the 5th of June in Berlin the first Club Carrotmob of in Germany takes place. Under the motto of Green […]

Alternative Energies

Aeolian energy is the obtained energy of the wind, that is to say, the generated kinetic energy as a result of the airflows, and that are transformed into other useful forms for the human activities. At present, the Aeolian energy is used mainly to produce electrical energy by means of aerogenerators. The Aeolian energy is […]

Guarani Symbol

THE GUARANi language, symbol of the identity of PARAGUAY by Hugo Barrios to 31/03/2010 read original (click) on: ASUNCIoN, Paraguay guarani, that together with the Spanish was declared one of the official languages of Paraguay in 1992, is considered not only a language, but a symbol of the identity of Paraguay. While many Paraguayans […]