Elena Garro

I was not intellectual, nor was anti anything. He was choreographer of the University Theatre and I was taking his degree in letters. My idols were the Monte Carlo Russian ballet dancers, but I had married a few days before a guest poet: Octavio Paz, who was part of the Mexican delegation, composed of Carlos Pellicer and Jose Mancisidor. The delegation grew to be auto was invited and came to Spain to give me Tin accusing me of small bourgeois. Elena Garro. THE voice PRECURSOR of the realism MAGICO Elena Garro, the most important 20th century Mexican writer, travels to Spain, accompanying her husband, Octavio Paz to attend the II writers Congress convened by the International Alliance of anti-fascist intellectuals in July 1937.

His memories of that trip has left us a brief and funny portrait of the poet Luis Cernuda: in Valencia too, when I escaped to the beach, saw all the days to an English lying on a white towel, with a blue bathing suit. No bath, just that lonely and me. The stalls were closed and the desolate beach. Was not the one who addressed me fui yo: are you English? Do not. I am Spanish.

Because you have a color more beautiful than mine, I said. It’s makes more time that I come to the beach, he answered. I can almost not come. I am married to a poet and that people do not sport, like I said. Young blonde blushed even more: I am also a poet my name is Luis Cernuda, said and also of Manuel Altolaguirre, left us this: intellectuals were busy with Congress and presentations.