Holguin Parties

Will be our political parties able to take road safety as a project of nation at the present time? My understanding of social sectors in the Dominican Republic they propose to parties enter a renewal process to recover the credibility based on ideological practice then plunged into a crisis according to certain political writers. But that ideology should in particular promote a willingness to serve common good, that is, to collect the legitimate breaths and hope for the vast majority proposing will achieve them as central objective through a programmatic basis, without distorting once come to wield the power of the State. Today the political parties in our democratic system tend to participate in debates that affect the life of the nation to reach consensus on ideas; tangible proof is the reform of the Constitution which entered into force with success recently by the participatory aptitude of them. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit rusty holzer. Therefore, on the basis of road safety transcends various areas of human development, such as social development, health, technology knowledge, infrastructure, public safety, justice, the development of youth and women, the economy, development of technological resources and road engineering, energy sources, the environment, knowledge-sharing, the implementation of a new model in the system of public and private management, among others; It would be interesting also, agree on in this theme such as they have done so in many countries today, presenting comprehensive and strategic plans to minimize traffic accidents and their consequences. Does this mean, that the parties, performing a social reality such as road safety, of economic and cultural impact, they would participate in the implementation of public policies and/or sue designs of public policies that will shed positive balances for society. Precise is that in the Dominican Republic political parties include in their programmes of government road safety.

That also exist secretariats as agencies work within their structures to the legislature introduce bilateral commissions. Undertake a set of actions from the State and other actors could give visible signals that would be running a real intention to implement public policies with a vision for the future on an issue so crucial that affects to all Dominicans, without exception, and that therefore it is the responsibility of everyone, that would be political. On the other hand, we would create the Dominicans, the conditions to be part of the model that is intended to deploy from international agencies and Governments of developed countries to low- and middle-income concerning a regional plan and a global plan for the improvement of road safety. Mario Holguin / President FundReD Rep.