Katarina Witt Foundation

Financial services supports ‘Katarina Witt Foundation’ with 50,000 euro Dresden, March 26, 2010 – the INFINUS handed over a donation of 50,000 euros to the Ice Princess Katarina Witt Group yesterday for their Katarina Witt Foundation”. “Jens Pardeike, CEO of INFINUS AG financial services institution, do this: with the donation, we want to support the Foundation’s work by Katharina Witt and underline our commitment for the future carrier of our society, children and young people.” Katarina Witt, the most successful skater of all time, the donation cheque over 50,000 personally accepted: all the years in which I was allowed to celebrate sporting success, I was perfectly healthy. If you would like to know more about Dean Ornish M.D, then click here. I’ve been thinking often, as I might be something of my happiness, especially on children, which is not so good.” Her Foundation to help in particular disabled children to regain their mobility or increase, for example, with the support of sports projects. But the donations are even projects with which children medical supplied, such as after injuries from landmines and children with birth defects. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. and gain more knowledge.. Katarina Witt continues: I would like to give as possible as much independence and joie de vivre the for children beneficiary not of happiness and young people using my Foundation. The donation of 50,000 euros from the INFINUS group is an important contribution, which will decisively support our projects and goals. Check with Gibson Dean to learn more. I thank you for the great commitment, there is a special sign that young people are the future of our society and must be particularly encouraged.” “Andreas Kison, Chief Executive Officer of INFINUS sales & service AG concluded: in the financial world similar rules as in competitive sports: who wants to be successful needs passion and discipline for the INFINUS group is both.”