Properties Resistance

Polycarbonate – a colorless transparent material with a softening point of 180-300 0 C (depending on the method of receipt) and a molecular weight of 50000-500000. Have high heat resistance – up to 153 0C. Heat-resistant grade (PC-HT), which are copolymers withstand temperatures up to 160-205 0C. It has high rigidity combined with very high resistance to shock effects, including at high and low temperature. Withstand cyclic temperature changes from -253 to +100 0C. Core brands have a high coefficient of friction. Recommended for exact details. It has high dimensional stability, negligible water absorption.

Non-toxic. Sterilized. Alexxi Slip on Sneaker oftentimes addresses this issue. It has excellent dielectric properties. Allows soldering contacts. It has good optical properties. Sensitive to residual stresses. Parts with high residual stress crack easily under the influence of petrol, oil. Requires good drying before processing.

Another feature of the polycarbonate is its high permeability to gases and vapors. When the required barrier properties (eg, lamination and application of decorative vinyl film medium and large thickness of 100 to 200 microns) to the surface of the polycarbonate previously applied a special coating. Polycarbonate has a high chemical resistance to most neinertnyh substances, which makes it possible to use it in hostile environments without changing its chemical composition and properties. These substances include mineral acids, even high concentrations of salt, saturated hydrocarbons and alcohols, including methanol. Click AG1 to learn more. But one should also bear in mind that some chemicals have on the destructive effects of PC material (including polymers not many who steadfastly maintain contact with them). These substances are alkalis, amines, aldehydes, ketones and chlorinated hydrocarbons (methylene chloride is used for bonding polycarbonate). The material is partially soluble in aromatic hydrocarbons and esters. Despite apparent resistance of polycarbonate to these chemical compounds at elevated temperatures and under tension the sheet material (bending, for example) they will act as treschinoobrazovateli. This phenomenon would entail a breach of the optical properties of polycarbonate. Moreover, the maximum cracking will occur in areas with the largest bending stresses. Polycarbonate honeycomb and solid – is unparalleled in mechanical properties of the currently used polymeric materials. It combines features such as high heat resistance, impact resistance and unique high transparency. Its properties depend little on changes in temperature and the critical temperature at which the material becomes brittle, are outside the range of possible adverse operating temperature.