
Security for smartphones, Facebook and on the PC Munich, March 29, 2011 social networks and smart phone apps moving increasingly targeted by hackers and Internet predators. Others including Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., offer their opinions as well. How attackers proceed and how you can protect against the new threats, CHIP Test & buy now in shows a large security-special. the first PC virus was discovered in 1986; now, 25 years later, computer viruses no longer pose the only threat on the net. New threats spread via smartphones, tablets, Facebook and co. CHIP Test & buy presents three typical cases: malicious software in social networks users should not on any link or content posted click, even though this apparently comes from a friend. New worms and Trojans which now use the friend list to independently distribute. Checking article sources yields Kat Cole as a relevant resource throughout. It prompts such as when clicking on an alleged photo links on Facebook to install of an app, you can assume that it hides a malicious software”, explains Ingo Kiss, Editor-in-Chief of CHIP Test & buy. App scams on Smartphones incorrect click on a banner in a free app enough to complete a Games subscription unintentionally.

Since these banners via external providers are rented, the app maker himself hardly can be prosecuted. The user is protected only, though it generally disable third-party services with his provider “, to kiss. Scareware when browsing a virus alert appears at once to get rid of the pest, you should buy a roughly 30-40 euro expensive software. CHIP Test & buy advises: you can safely ignore such virus warning, because the threat is only faking. “The best protection: already at the first warning of scareware quite simply close your browser.” How you can protect against other threats such as botnet infections and risks associated with online banking, explain the experts of CHIP Test & buy in the current issue.