Browsing the archives for the environment tag


Japanese tragedy has already entered the free encyclopedia Wikipedia under the name Great vostochnoyaponskoe earthquake. Although the prescription of years somehow forgotten how in 1923 two thirds of Tokyo and Yokohama, almost all turned to rubble in minutes. Tsunami wave higher than 11 meters then, and killing more than 140 thousand people. But then, luckily, […]

Garbage Society

Development the Garbage folloies the man since the times most remote. In all history the man coexists the production of its residues which was modified constantly. The scientific and technological evolution that it folloies the humanity inserted in the environment the most varied raw materials and its derivatives. New products as plastic, glasses, metals, papers, […]

Mount Indians

&#039 circulates for the villages a DVD of the Ministry of Mines eEnergia with the heading; ' Hearsays in the Villages of the Xingu' '. The indians say that foramenganados and still they wait that they come ouviz them. This promises to be plus one pontode attrition. (LEAF OF the PROGRESS, 2010) the aboriginal movement […]