Browsing the archives for the medicine & surgery tag

Huber Verlag

Food hygiene product WINS industry award 2009 in the category of ‘Biotechnology’ with kink n clean is a new hygiene product on the market, which the durability of food and generally improves the standard of hygiene in the budget, as well as the gastronomy. A jury of professional editors of it media and PR professionals […]


Panic Attacks With Wingwave & NLP Resolve

Panic attacks a lifelong destiny? The fear comes out of nowhere, the triggers are often unrecognizable. The world is still in order, and in the next moment was just you know not Whither. All hands are red and your body is gearing up for the flight or fight. onse will follow. This is a crevasses […]

Federal State

The health action puts an emphasis on early detection and prevention, and that since only every third woman and every sixth man over the age of 45 using the free measures for early detection although colorectal cancer represents the second most common cause of cancer deaths, with about 30,000 deaths per year. While colorectal cancer […]

Gaston Pereira

In the magazine “Let’s read, a column with the title retained home of mothers (birth, the book” know your child has). Later in the (revised selections) worked with the “confidences”. Even in the 1930s, stayed for three years (“in the world of dreams”), on radio national, where, in his words, “radiofonizava dreams (sent up from […]