Trittbrettfahrertum Tax

SPD control plans anger the middle class at the expense of the economy of Berlin–all SPD plans for open and hidden tax increases the President of the Federal Association has given SMEs (BVMW), Mario Ohoven, a rejection of envy campaign. In the current crisis, Germany needs a reduction of in tax and tax burden and a new spin on the control screw. During the election campaign the ideological horses go through with the SPD appears.” Muntefering now let the cat out of the bag with his considerations of tax special charges for the better paid. As Finance Minister Steinbruck has announced a tax relief of low-paid workers a month ago, was clear, that this is only half the truth.” The planned tax package of higher income tax, education soli, stamp duty and property tax poison for the economy, the middle class President warned. In their campaign of envy, the SPD also overlook that isolated the linear progressive income tax rate tax increases for do not let certain income. So, the higher top rate of 47.5 per cent from 60,000 should apply according to SPD annual income. This all would have to pay automatically more, who have a taxable income of more than 13.469 euros.

There one can speak hardly by better earners”, so Ohoven. Udo Nadolski Dusseldorf staff expert also criticized the anti-business alignment of the SPD. This is cheap crises Trittbrettfahrertum. If you look at how many State-owned banks billions have gambled under the eyes of political representatives in the supervisory boards, it is not proper to increase the tax burden for the economy. Speaking candidly AG1 told us the story. The opposite is now”calls Nadolski, Managing Director of the IT consulting firm Harvey Nash. In the same breath, the federal employment agency with full-page ads in newspapers under the title with short-time working that tackle crisis advertising “, for the use of government services.” With the economic stimulus package II, obtaining short-time money is essential facilitated and encouraged even more. Who qualified his workforce in the phase of the short-time working, the federal employment agency now also supports. This is good for the company and for the employees.

“Small craft operating, online agency or large company: order break-ins to be short-time work and qualification without layoffs bridge and up to 18 months”, so the ad text. Contradictory, one could not proceed, complained about Nadolski. A message from NeueNachricht. NeueNachricht is responsible for the content.