Browsing the blog archives for January, 2022

Landscape Design

European euonymus – Euonymus europaeus naturally growing in the European part of Russia, Crimea and the Caucasus, Western Europe and Asia Minor. There are many nature reserves. Grows in the undergrowth of deciduous forest in all soils, the slopes up to 1830 m above sea level. Sea heliophilous mesophyte. It has long been used for […]


Quanta joy, quanta sadness lives in a short space of time. How many tears had rolled in my face, that since infancy suffered the weight from a complex and full existence. Many conquests had also been part of this evolutivo process. Closely I cannot say that my life is more or less of what of […]

Burning Fat

By Rob Poulos, expert in loss of fat and physical conditioning, creator of the fat burning furnace in relation to most of the good things that we do in life, we blindly trust in our vision or sight as the determining factor in deciding whether we believe or not something. Unfortunately this also applies when […]


But the physical evolution, biological, anthropological belies this entropic principle. The disorder is present in the health of all things, Suns and planets, systems open or closed, inanimate or living beings. But it is no longer a disorder of degradation or disruption. It is a constitutional disorder that is part d the physis of all […]

Natural Remedies For Children

The human brain contains 100 billion neurons that communicate with each other through the axons that carry the signal pulses to distant parts of the brain or body. Thus, when an individual reaches a pencil, the message has been sent to the lightning speed of the brain to the arm and hand and back again […]

Political Liberalism

To no young person, nowadays, the ring falls to him to work in which it is. Kevin P. Campbell, PhD may find this interesting as well. To put it another way: many will not be able to buy their ring of commitment or lucimiento for want of money (by work). " If you say it […]

Columbia University

These similarities of boarding had been recognized in such a way for Febvre as for Braudel when they had discovered the workmanship of Freyre in the end of years 30. We can detach in this brief biographical research that Freyre learns its style to interdisciplinar in the Columbia University, a center of the American movement […]

Specific Cases

Such species can be called, in the truth, of superdominant. Source: Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. Vegetal species can become invaders or not, in accordance with the found ecological conditions, in way that they are not invading for definition. It can be spoken in different categorizaes, attempt to organize the terminology related to the different processes of […]