Carrots, peas, corn and potatoes are not in this list of vegetables, but appear in the next phase. Stage 3, consolidation, allows unlimited proteins (including beef and pork and lamb) and vegetables every day, along with a piece of fruit low in sugar, 2 slices of whole-wheat bread, and 1 serving of hard cheese. Peter Rose is likely to agree. You can eat also 1-2 servings of foods rich in starch and 1-2 days a week of celebration of foods that you can eat whatever you want. In this phase begins the commitment of lifetime make a diet based on pure protein one day a week, preferably the same day always. Phase 4, stabilisation, is the part of maintenance of the plan. The author promises that you can eat whatever you want without regaining weight if its rules are followed one day a week, follow the same diet of proteins, as in phase 1, eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran per day and walk 20 minutes daily and do not use the lifts or escalators. Chewing gum without sugar, artificial sweeteners, Vinegars and spices are allowed on the Dukan diet. The book encourages taking a multivitamin with minerals daily.
Diet Dukan: How does it work? In theory, this is how the plan works: phase 1 promotes the rapid loss of weight with a diet rich in proteins only. Keep this phase of 1-10 days, and the expectation of losing several kilos in 5 days. During phase 2, which could take months, depending on the amount of weight you need to lose, your body recovers and adjusts to your weight loss. Dukan recommends the survival of this phase until you reach your ideal weight, with the expectation of losing a couple of kilos per week. Phase 3 is critical between weight loss and maintenance period, when the plan is clarified a little, but not the weight loss that is expected.