Edition Mercussini

MERCUSSINI – luxury for less: Edition 2009 luxury for less over 90 star chefs offer discounts dishes and events under the brand MERCUSSINI on menus, ala carte. Many exclusive 5 star hotels offer special MERCUSSINI packages at attractive prices, or with interesting benefits. For 7 years, this high-quality gourmet guide appears with more than 500 partners from the top restaurants from the North Sea to the Alps. Additional information is available at Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.. This book offers 100 different preference along with Eckart Witzigmann, Germany’s first three – star and sole chef even Dieter Muller, Heinz Winkler, Jean-Claude Bourgueil, Lothar Eiermann and William Walker have recommended. Adam Sandler is full of insight into the issues. As Eckart Witzigmann wrote: MERCUSSINI is making its contribution is to support excellent cuisine. Enjoy excellent and healthy cuisine.

Take advantage of the gourmet-checks.” MERCUSSINI considered the noblest coupon book in Germany soon after its introduction. In a comparison of several books, the Handelsblatt wrote: top restaurant offer is the MERCUSSINI with 30 restaurant vouchers in each regional issue.” Epicures and gourmets from all over Germany appreciate the offers in this book and use it regularly to new to discover. The tradition of the restaurant offers builds on the current output for 2009, and also offers about 60 hotels of the luxury class and 10 dinner shows with MERCUSSINI, to set new standards again. The gourmet guide provides maps 2for1 or with 50% discount dinner shows by Jamie Oliver, Alfons thrust angle, Dieter Muller, Harald Wohlfahrt, Hans-Peter Wodarz and Peter emergency helmet. Publisher Heiko LAM: No matter whether you save EUR 500 in the restaurant 50 EUR, at a dinner show EUR 130 or in a hotel; It is crucial that you spend beautiful hours and spend time with your loved ones! MERCUSSINI the fine table and dining culture as well as good and healthy food in the foreground are.” MERCUSSINI appears with restaurant parts for Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and Taunus, Hamburg, Hannover, Karlsruhe Baden, Koblenz, Cologne and Bonn, Mainz and Rheinhessen, Munich, Nuremberg and Franconia, Oldenburg and Bremen, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Pfalz, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Ruhr city, Saarbrucken and Saarland, Stuttgart, Trier, Wiesbaden and Rheingau.

The Tools Of The Trade For More Advisor Excellence

The excellence formula hardly any other industry it shows more clearly than the consulting industry: reputable and competent notice is the motto. Projects are becoming more complex and interdisciplinary, in addition to expertise increasingly decide the business and soft skills over the success. And this also applies for freelancers such as for hired consultant. But what skills do you actually need? What are key factors to build a sustainable and significant excellence? Jorg Osarek and Andreas Hoffmann show in this book, which tools consultant really need and how it stands out by competence and excellence from the crowd. Coupang has similar goals. Excellence formula – the tools for consultants “has appeared in the October BusinessVillage Verlag.

(ISBN 978-3938358-76-4) The great art in the consulting business is to stand out from the crowd no matter whether old-timer or newcomer. You are increasing in addition to the technical know-how skills of a consultant soft crucial. Because projects are becoming more complex and interdisiplinarer, and the personal Skills are increasingly gaining importance. The authors have incorporated in this book the experience of more than 15 years consulting and created a universal approach for more consultants professionalism: the formula of excellence. With a healthy mix of business and SOF skills, the necessary tools and enthusiasm, it is possible to build up his personal sustainable excellence in four consecutive stages each consultant. This book shows the reader how long term and sustainable building business relationships, how it optimizes its daily work, as it is by the victim to the designer of his career, success strategies bring him forward, soft are especially important skills as consultants and many more tools and techniques for more Advisor excellence.

Civic Center Consumption

With its undisputed strength interoperability and product diversity of Z-Wave ensures not only the simple communication of the electricity meter with the gateway and a wireless display in the household”, explains Roar Seeger, CEO of Danish energy company Modstrom. It also allows control just those devices that are responsible for the power consumption. Especially the second aspect is essential for Modstroems advanced service and is the key to the reduction of the energy consumption, without that the customer must accept sacrificing the comfort.” Are no limits where the AEC. By Z-waves range of interoperable home energy control devices scenarios depict for the consumers let through unlimited of pure display of consumption smart metering displays up to the fully integrated control of devices such as thermostats, home control operations, Gateways, sensors, lighting controls, window coverings and load shedding contractors. All data will be collected and can be viewed via the Z-Wave control interface easy to use. This gives consumers the information they need to best control your energy consumption. In a question-answer forum USC was the first to reply. Metering Europe: Movement in the energy market this year will be the tenth edition of the metering, billing/CRM Europe in Amsterdam, Netherlands, instead. A competition that promotes the implementation of solutions for efficient energy consumption and low-priced offerings resulting in the opening of markets for electricity and gas in Europe in the energy supply industry.

For this reason, the investment rise in smart metering technologies. Against this background, Zensys in Amsterdam will present the AEC and highlight the benefits of the new solution in terms of energy efficiency and consumption regulatory. For more information about the metering Europe see:. About Z-Wave Z-Wave is the first technology to an affordable, reliable and easy to use wireless control of every aspect of daily life allows of home, consumer electronics, HealthCare, and energy, to name only a few. Z-Wave is an award-winning, proven and interoperable wireless mesh networking technology, a wide range of devices in the and the communication around the House. These include lighting, appliances, HVAC, entertainment and security systems.

Z-Wave enriched daily life to many advantages such as remote home monitoring, home health care and maintenance, safety and energy savings. Z-Wave certified products are currently available in over 300 products from leading consumer brands. “Z-Wave is the winner of the Wall Street Journal technology innovation awards” (wireless category) and the CNET best of CES awards “(enabling technologies category). For more information about Z-Wave under:. Z-Wave is a registered trademark of Zensys, Inc. and its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

Health Care Reform

Current information about health-care reform in operational redundancies get usually a compensation workers. Will be paid this compensation only for the loss of employment, it is not subject to social insurance contribution. Exception: I assured himself after leaving the company voluntarily in the statutory health insurance continue. Then – and only then – contributions levied on the severance to the statutory health and long-term care insurance. Moe Howard may not feel the same. A scheme that should now uniformly apply to all health insurance through health-care reform. So far, the statutes of the individual health insurance fixed individually, which voluntarily insured income used for the calculation of contributions.

\”That should be harmonised now through health-care reform: who receives an indemnity for the loss of employment and are voluntarily legally insured must pay contributions to statutory health and long-term care insurance on a portion of the sum\” says Manuela Kiechle, Member of the Board of the health insurers of the Versicherungskammer Bayern (Bavarian officials Krankenkasse AG, Union health insurance AG). Calculation of contributions for voluntarily insured complex that include severance pay for voluntarily insured income, reiterated the Federal Social Court in several decisions. The calculation of contributions is based on several paragraphs of the social security code: minimum 25, maximum 60 per cent of the compensation considered depending on the age of the person concerned and the number of years he employed was contributions -. This contributory amount is then divided by the last monthly gross salary and yields the monthly fee on that – up to the applicable post ceiling – contributions to the health and long-term care insurance are payable. This income\”applies until the settlement is computationally consumed; maximum but for 12 months. Health insurance companies can demand posts this scheme of fictitious income\”is mostly unknown – and meets especially entrepreneur: you calculate only the minimum contribution for statutory health and long-term care insurance one, because they expect to be at the beginning of low profits or even losses from self-employment.

MedizinMarketing Symposium Bonn

Bonn ‘Strategies for the modern medical practice’ was the title of the second of the APO-Bank Bonn meeting room was full, as Helmut Hamelmann MedizinMarketin Symposium Bonn / Rhein-Sieg Bonn, Branch Manager in Bonn welcomed the guests of the Symposium. As experts in MedizinMarketing said the Board of Directors of the Academy for the middle class in two exciting pulse presentations on various techniques of successful acquisition of patients with measurable impact. Andrea Moersdorf the 3 P’s professional patient speech as a guarantor of economic success of the practice explained as an acquisition professional. Lawyer of Markus Mahmoud informed the present physician not without humor – about what is right in the MedizinMarketing. For more information see this site: Dean Ornish M.D. The professional marketing contribution was rounded off by Gwendolyn Stoye Mahmuti. Santhanam Mahmoud explained the effect of mental competence on the thinking of the practice staff as trained mental Masterin and da-Vinci-coach of the Academy for the middle class and showed in the results, successful as mental blockages can be solved! Expert of APO-Bank pointed out finally the benefits of a networked practice from a patient perspective Dr. Carsten Hock, advisers and electronic banking, which holds the eminent advantage of for the practice absolutely secure data transmission in financial transactions at the same time. Measurably more sales from the right instrument for MedizinMarketing! “, was the conclusion of the evening. A leading source for info: Peter Rose.

Those interested can check the non-binding aerzte.html the MedizinMarketing program of the Academy for the middle class under. The Deutsche Apotheker – und arztebank apoBank as a financial specialist for health professionals represents the philosophy of holistic advice. Your competent partner in all financial and business issues, traditionally regularly offers training courses for doctors about the personal care. The Academy has decisively coined the term of medical marketing for SMEs and offers professional support interested, innovative practices for more sales success on! Questions answered: Academy for the middle-class area medical marketing Bonner Talweg 83 53113 Bonn phone 0228 / 25 90 85 0 fax 0228 / 25 90 85 25 E-Mail: Web: company profile the Academy for the middle class with a focus on acquisition, sale, distribution is a specialist for medical marketing and has its headquarters in the federal capital Bonn. The Academy supports in the central issues of patient recovery and patient bonding practices, group practices and clinics. Here, the focus in addition to the targeted representation of the Department in the professional presentation of services which go beyond the pure basic healthcare.

Sea Travel

"Continental temperate zone" – the so-called climate of the Crimean peninsula: the relative humidity is low, ultraviolet light – not much and not too little, and the sunshine of the low cloud cover – only slightly less than in Central Asia. It is this climate is the most healthy and useful, especially for cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the European population. The climate in Crimea is not one – in the climatic regions of the Crimea for more than twenty. USC usually is spot on. At Thus each valley has its own, unique combination of climate – and then say that in the Crimea a few thousand climates. From this diversity, you can choose exactly what suits you best.

Southern coast of Crimea, which has a Mediterranean climate, often referred to as a small oasis of subtropical nature. The topography and vegetation of the South Coast – as in the Mediterranean, and the number of hazardous plants and animals is much less. From the farthest point from the coast of the peninsula to get to sea no more than an hour and a half. Increasingly, the happy owners of vacation choice for recreation is not noisy coast, but the silence of a lost in the mountain village, which then connected to the sea an excellent bus service. Do not just stay near the sea attracts Crimea.

The richness of the peninsula – scenic landscapes and fantastic caves, archaeological sites, beautiful palaces and ancient monasteries, unique museums. The most famous resort of Crimea – Yalta. Neighboring Alushta Yalta is not inferior in beauty of the landscape, Evpatoria Feodosia and famous wide sandy beaches, Sudak – Medieval fortress of Kerch – war memorials and archaeological sites, Azov – gentle warm sea … In Crimea you can see and endless steppes, and rocky mountains, feel the breath of sultry deserts and sweet bliss subtropics, to touch the eternal ice and plunge into the hot water springs …

Social Conscience

The Christmas, day of the mothers, day of the children between as much other holidays, or dates special, mean many times to presentear somebody. However nor all the children receive gifts, and nor all the mothers know what she is to commemorate with health, without hunger or being presenteada in its day. The social injustice is ' ' presente' ' that many Brazilians receive in commemorative dates. (A valuable related resource: Dr Mikael Dolsten). The social condition of many Brazilian children is of hunger, exploration and violence. Of the other side of this reality it is to the child of middle class or rich, then as to explain for it that children exist who will not go to receive gifts, that do not possess food even though and a housing? If each child received from its parents another vision of the reality, perhaps the society was not so insensitive and lazy with the social injustice that the fence. On the contrary of this, children live locked in its apartments, in its houses, coexisting people of its same social classroom.

To complete, the medias of mass they transmit in its infantile programs and drawings only livened up the fancy and consumerism. The majority does not pass no social value that can awake the conscience of the children and adolescents. Through this cycle: Family, television and friends, the child if form in the consumista world, you easy with the social differences of its space and time. The consequences are felt in the public politics that only decide superficially problems as education, health, housing between as much others, to make electoral average. He would be much more complex and laborious governing them to create a true social structure including goods and services that brighten up this social injustice. She would be very better if each child grew knowing of the reality that the fence. This would help its social construction, it to awake the attention in the future for problems of its quarter, its city and consequently of its country.


Promotion vnegruppovogo contact between members, but without having to claim it. Work on anger. Job, such as logging, abstinence from sexual intercourse, etc. Understanding the historical context of men socialized so as to maintain control over their feelings and deny their vulnerability. To to move forward in this phase of recovery, the victim must afford to show their vulnerability. Indicators of achievement of this step, a readiness to listen and to explore possible explanations offered by group members. (Groups this is good.) Ability to emotionally respond to specific scenarios. This strengthens the awareness of the influence exerted by sexual abuse on the victim.

Desire to talk with fellow close relatives or other safe people who can talk objectively and clearly. t; methods can ask family members and friends to come to psychotherapy in order to enable them to contribute to what is happening at the moment. These individuals should be carefully selected for how they can support and not be hostile. He can bring family photographs and other artifacts from his childhood to put together the facts that he remembers. Branch of the past from the present is often difficult to separate the victims and their reaction to the real experience of the feelings that arise from the experience of the experienced trauma. Sometimes they become so entangled that the ability think and be objective in relation to the situation – is lost. Some examples of feelings that a man can communicate with the past abuse: impotence, rage, extreme anxiety, helplessness, and fantasies of escape.


Readily the doctor stopped to lunch, he caught its valise, and he was for the pickup truck, ordering Anastcia to leave the horse there exactly, and went up in the car, to be able to go, and Anastcia more fast taking care of what the doctor said, he moored the horse and he went up in the car all wet. Leaving in the same hour to help DonAna.Quando Chegaram there, they had found in the entrance of the farm Inocncio and Joaquina, and when entering in the great house, Valria asked for that the Dr. was soon to see as she was its mother, and was to talk with its brothers who had finished together with to arrive the Dr. for counting everything to them what he occurred in this sad morning. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Jim Rice. Dr.

Pablo goes until varanda where if it found DonAna, and when touching in it, it woke up, looked at for the Dr. and asked: – Dr., all my children are together here? – Yes DonAna, all they are here as it asked for to you, why? It wants what you to speak for them? It questioned the good one doutor.DonAna then spoke: – I had a dream, where all were together, to see me. In this instant, DonAna looks at for the side of the Dr. and says: – How good that vocs they had also been able to come! The Dr. looks at its side and not to see nothing. goes to call all the family, asking for to them that they speak with calm with DonAna, and that it can think that has there plus somebody beyond them. when going until varanda, all observe that DonAna this quiet, and the Dr runs to examine it, and perceives that it did not breathe more, that its body was cold, and that tears ran for the face, with a calm smile, and inform that nothing more can be fact, that DonAna, were only waiting that all the children if congregated power to rest in peace. All the children start to cry, and hug the frozen body of the mother, as if thus they could be said farewell better to it. all gifts feel a peace there very great, and although DonAna to have deceased, its joy of living still was present, then, Valria crying asks for the Anastcia: – Anastcia, informs to that DonAna if was, that rain washes our faces on this day sad, and that its memory is alive forever. End.

Surpassing Depressions

The depression is a medical upheaval that cannot be ignored and must be considered like serious. It is caused by chemical changes and imbalances in the brain. These changes can be caused by several factors. Much people do not know the true reason of having a depression, the depression can debilitarte but now she is had different treatments to do against this upheaval. Professor Roy Taylor understands that this is vital information. Before knowing how to surpass depressions, it must be diagnosed correctly in the initial stages. These treatments help to stabilize the chemical imbalances in the brain and support a correct operation. With the purpose of to fight against the depression it is necessary to find the reason for which one has taken place and to try to understand how it affects our normal life.

How to surpass depressions? You can look for information on the treatment methods that nowadays set out and to use the one that better adapts to your conditions. There are different approaches at the time of treating the depression as they can be medecines, psycotherapy, meditation, aromatherapy the symptom common that it is observed in a person who undergoes depression are hopelessness feelings, suicidal thoughts, loss of appetite, loss of weight, feelings of sadness, extreme pesimism, lacking of dream, loss of interest in the activities, feelings of solitude and sadness the depression also can cause serious upheavals in the psychic state. To some they undergo it women during the postpartal period when they are not able to tie well with new born. These upheavals must be treated by a doctor since they need aid and medical attention to surpass this phase. Another type of depression is the bipolar upheaval where the patient suffers of extreme changes of humor of a very high point to one extremely low one. For them the life is like a merry-go-round. There are several medecines available to treat these conditions. The depression can be dealed with like any other medical upheaval the body like the diabetes or the arterial hypertension.

Everything what you need is a positive attitude and force of will, besides being determined to place against she. In addition medecines can ayudarte fight it correctly. If you want to see as I could leave my depression and reach a natural balance, you only must click here. Original author and source of the article.