These similarities of boarding had been recognized in such a way for Febvre as for Braudel when they had discovered the workmanship of Freyre in the end of years 30. We can detach in this brief biographical research that Freyre learns its style to interdisciplinar in the Columbia University, a center of the American movement of ‘ new histria’ at the beginning of the century. QUARRELS AND CONCLUSIONS? However, we intend through this article, to detach the great contribution of Freyre for the Brazilian historiografia. You may wish to learn more. If so, Dean Ornish M.D is the place to go. The reason of this research was given through the commemoration of the 110 years of the birth of Gilbert Freyre. We understand that already it had the overcoming of the theory of the modernization of the Brazilian social formation, that made of Gilbert Freyre a theoretician of ‘ ‘ democracy racial’ ‘ , for it to describe that process of overcoming of the condition of the black in embranquecido mestizo, inserting it in the social structure. The new valuation of the gilbertiano thought, intrinsically related with the distinction conferred to sharing of the bourgeois values, comes bringing a new appreciation of its trilogy, dedicated to the study on the decay of the agricultural patriarchate and the development of the urban one in Brazil. Click Daversa Partners for additional related pages.
If also to read Gilbert Freyre de House-Great and Senzala and of Sobrados and Mucambos, we will see that one is about two chained texts, but sufficiently differentiated: the first one, focusing the miscegenation and its relation with the process of social democratization and as, directed toward the subject of the social modernization of Brazil. Thanks to changes of the marxist look, Gilbert studious Freyre of the historical Anthropology, is being approached to the history of the mentalities. This exactly came to place in the point of junction between the individual and the collective one, the long time and the daily one, unconscious and the intentional one, structural and the conjunctural one, the delinquent and the generality. However, this assay is an attempt to investigate a parallel that did not receive the deserved attention, the parallel between the call ‘ ‘ new histria’ ‘ nailed and practised in France to leave of the 60 decade of and the history that Gilbert Frey wrote from the decade of 30.