With the development of communicative methods may appear and its new features. The text as a system of closely related and structurally speech education – different types of texts monologic and dialogic nature of the mixed genres of expression. Their classification is necessary for learning foreign language communication in order to form the students ability to use different genres tactics and techniques of verbal communication, on the one hand, and their combination in accordance with the terms of the activities, the situation of communication. Education structurally diverse musical voice of education should be provided, along with dictionaries and grammar reference books, special communicative textbooks. Systematization of the verbal behavior is important for learning foreign language communication in these ways: as a reflection of it all psychological, linguistic, activity, objective and subjective factors of its existence in a speech rights in general as a model or sample of verbal behavior of a typical carrier study foreign languages, to which should seek to trainees as features of speech behavior in the result of learning foreign language communication, as the formation of student ability to express themselves in a foreign language. System learning activities of students is consistent with the objectives, nature and conditions of training and is determined by features of mastering a foreign language as a medium. The main condition for improving and expanding framework of training activities on mastering the foreign language communication should be complementary use it real (in education), current (extracurricular) and potential (planned) activities. Must identify the following major components in a systems approach to teaching foreign language communication cadets: – preduchebnaya systematize learning to communicate – the selection and organization of learning content – classification and differentiation of language and speech material, – the distribution and organization of the components of the training content, language and speech material for the preparatory, specialized and integrative stages of learning – the systematization of training sessions in stages – the systematization of the educational activities of students; – systematization management practices of foreign language communication. Specific gravity factors and signs of each system must be differentiated by the characteristics and learning in every part of continuous education, age characteristics of trainees, and the extralinguistic verbal (linguistic) experience.