
The lady then admired all was as tivessevendo and danced a new type of dance. An fan felt itself before umartista of the bailado one. It did not have skill, the cheese fell and the staff without seeing, hall had been kneading coitado in the way it. Follow others, such as Dean Ornish M.D, and add to your knowledge base. My uncle used to advantage ospassos of the dance and left for the other empedaos side and nor looked at the white snow for the soil and nor the participant capsizes and if they capsize nor they had bound, I only know that they had followed in front and in the dance. Carcule Joo if desvencilhouda obligation to dance and looked my father in the way of the cantoria. Ltomou some sips, sang dissonant in some musics and completed otanque with the too much sips. There for as much, already of bule full decanjibrinas, had decided to come back. they had been to search the conduction noestacionamento of the grass.

After some tumbles and blaming the pipocada one party for the overthrown slips and, had pulled the donkeys until the exit. In this meantime, my uncle, hanging for here and there, was to make pee, he turned the coast for the animal removed pingolim for it are and ordered water in guanxuma. What it not wise person and that the animal would go to prepare with it. Said and feitoo donkey gave cabeada in its back one and for it did not fall badly of skill, released mangueirinha to rescue itself in the tumble. She pingolimentrou it for inside of the pants and made a soup, was one I ruin sensational.

Incontinence would urinaria abrupt was the diagnosis given for mine paiassim in the impulsivity. Ensopou the coitado one. Avexados, the two had gone up in the horse, had taken off the hat in respect to excessively the e, of farewell, had disappeared in return for house! In the way vieramconversando, talking and talking, it wants to know of a reading thing? It arrives of chats! For today he is only reading! You are excused and podeat, if to want, to sleep! Tomorrow we will be here! One I hug and until outrocaptulo. (Ademar Oliveira de Lima)