
In its Zimerman literature (2005, P. 35), it tells that: Being the aging a gradual loss of the functional efficiency, always has a necessity of adequacy to the new reality. Moreover, not we must to forget that each old one is a different individual, that needs a personal program of work, in accordance with its necessities. We must lead in account its past, its luggage, its losses, as well as its gift, its possibilities, its profits, its psicossocial and economic endorsement. Thus we will only be working so that this old either person honeys healthful, capable to use all its potentialities and to have a happyer life. 2,2 ssea anatomy In its literature Tortora and Grabowske (2002), affirms that the bone is an alive texture, complicated and energetic which is part of a pursuing without interruption in the process of dynamic remodelamento propitiating new bones and degrading old bones. Thus, bone is one fabric multi-functional constituted by three cellular types: the osteoblastos, the ostecitos and the osteoclastos.

The first cellular type drift of the osteoprogenitoras cells of the ssea marrow and if locates in the surface of trabculas, the canal To have of the fabric sseo ostenico and in the peristeo, and its main function is to synthecize the not mineralized ssea matrix. These cells have as function to keep the viability of the fabric sseo (OCARINO; SERAKIDES, 2005). For Rebelatto and Morelli (2004), the bones are formed by two macrocospic layers: cortical, situated bone is of the bone, it is the layer hardest, and the spongy one, that it is called bone to trabecular that is inside of the bone, being been most vulnerable osteoporose. The bone is a protector of the agencies who has as function to support the body, to assist in the movements, to raise the muscular system, and still serves to keep calcium and leaves minerals the organism. .