Browsing the archives for the Foreign Languages ?? tag

Foreign Languages In The Modern World

Each language – the basis of an infinitely rich culture, one of the main values of the people. Word – this is the first that he heard a child is born, something that will accompany him throughout his life. Native language, of course, the only one. Most beautiful and sweet heart, the most expensive. Follow […]

Educational Language

With the development of communicative methods may appear and its new features. The text as a system of closely related and structurally speech education – different types of texts monologic and dialogic nature of the mixed genres of expression. Their classification is necessary for learning foreign language communication in order to form the students ability […]


It's safe to say that you do not miss have in their spare time. Maltese schools help their students not only learn English but also enjoy a relaxing holiday on the Mediterranean island. Outside the auditorium, and English classes, your manager leisure gives you the opportunity to participate in the seasonal program. Summer (from May […]