Browsing the archives for the friends & relationship tag

Preparation For The Wedding

So you keep a cool head in the planning who is planning a wedding or other it has often not easy. Many dates are to coordinate from the eve of the wedding ceremony and the subsequent honeymoon. The celebrations around the wedding are once again marked by other date specifications. How long does it take […]


With the experience gifts by NoLimits24 give heart palpitations is an unforgettable experience for Valentine’s day on February 14th: one embarks once again at the last minute in the desperate search for a special gift for the treasure – and finally finds himself with overpriced flowers, chocolates from the supermarket and the now fifth bottle […]

Together, Thanks To Be Communication

Nationwide day of action on hearing impairment and self-help is experiencing wide positive resonance communication is the key to the community \”in this sense children and adults with hearing impairment, as well as numerous General interested at the 4th German met last weekend CI day was celebrated at 65 locations nationwide. The cochlear implant (CI), […]